Luck Amusement showed 1 set 12-Seat Carousel & 1 unit Lucky draw machine at Tokyo,Japan Fair on Nov 24-26,2020
12-Seat Carousel:
l Product structure compact.
l Appearance is elegant and dazzling.
l Quick to assembly & disassembly.
l Suitable for flexible business operating,
l Sold some sets to Japan amusement market.
Lucky draw machine:
l Simple and fun machine.
l In Cooperation with a well-known Japanese entertainment company in 2020.
l Suitable for opening ceremony, store celebration, sales promotion and other activities.
Zhongshan Leqi OroAquila Maquinarias Atracciones S.L.
Domicilio: Calle de Hengfengliu 2, Pueblo Gangkou, Ciudad Zhongshan, Provincia Guangdong, China
Tel: +86-760-88792138(12)
Fax: +86-760-88716162
Official Account